Front Row: Rietz, Jackson, King, Carley, Bell, Kallock, McClaren, Lang, Eason, Illig
Second Row: Smith, Broscious, Amans, Crawford, Crankshaw, McNeill, Hewett,
Durr, Harbison, Zachrisson
Back Row: Wilkins, James, Campbell, Ewing, Thomas, Arrowsmith, McCandless
Chapter History Report
Filed by Brother Richard S. Tener in June 1927
The year opened with the following brothers enrolled: Amans, Bell, Carley, Craw, Easter, Ewing, Eason, Jackson, Kallock, King, L. H. Smith, Lang, Marshall, McClarin, Munro, Rietz, Tener, Crankshaw, Crawford, and McNeill.
Several dances were held at the chapter house during the fall, the most notable of which was the annual Pitt-Tech dance which was held at the chapter house.
On Octobor 17, 1926, the following men were taken into the bonds: Francis Harold Illig, Russell Charles Broscious, George Donald Campbell, Gorden Volney Durr, and Robert Brown Hewitt.
During the fall, Brother Crawford was elected cross country captain and led Carnegie Tech’s team to a very successful season. He and Brother Campbell were awarded varsity letters and Brother McNei1l was appointed as assistant manager for next year.
Beta Sigma won the intramural Cross Country meet and thus brought the fifth cup won by the fraternity as a whole within the last twelve months, a record of which we are very proud.
On Jan. 14, 1927 the chapter held a “kid” party at the chapter house which was one of the most successful social events of the school year.
During the year, Brothers Carley and Illig were called by Scabbord and Blade, a national Military Honorary Fraternity; Brothers Bell and Reitz made Theta Tau and Scarab respectively. Theta Tau is a national fraternity while Scarab is a national professional fraternity in Architecture.
At the end of the basketball season, Brother Amans received his fourth letter in basketball.
Brother Broscious was elected secretary of the sophomore class in the industries school.
On Feb. 13, 1927, the following men were taken into the new light; John Caroway Arrowsmith, Harold Earnest James, and V. Irving Smith. Brother Arrowsmith is a faculty member at C.I.T. and teaches military science and tactics. He is a graduate of Case School of Applied Science and is a member of Tau Beta Pi.
On Feb. 26, 1927 Beta Sigma held its third annual founders day banquet the success of which no one has dared to question.
On Apri1 25, 1927, the following men were taken into the bonds; Roswell Hill Johnson,Clayton Herman Reichenbach, George Rixae Thomas, John Hays Wilkins, and Bror Zachrisson.
Another dance was held at the chapter house at which all enjoyed themselves greatly.
On May 6, 1927, the annual Mother’s Day banquet was held at the chapter house. Brother Carley prepared an excellent dinner which was followed by a touching address by Mr. Vurtz who is the director of student welfare at Carnegie and the former head of the department of Electrical Engineering at Carnegie.
On tap day during campus week, Brother Campbell was called to Theta Tau and Brother James was called to the Clef Club, an Honorary musical fraternity.
At the present time, Brothers Campbell, Crawford, and Munro are doing excellent work on the track team, and Brother Tener is on the tennis squad and hopes to earn a letter.
At the last meeting the following elections were made; Brother King S.M.C., Brother Broscious I.M.C., and Brother Bell Th.C. The following appointments were made; Reichenbach M.C., Kallock M.S., Campbell S.C.
Fraternally yours,
(signed: Richard S. Tener)
The "Annual Record"
The Annual Record was published in June of 1927 and mailed to all active and alumni members of the chapter. The intention was to mail supplements in June 1928 and 1929 containing additions and changes. This pamphlet contained a version of the past year's history, a list of active brothers, and a list of all members and their status.
While the history section contains a version substantially equivalent to that filed by Brother Tener (above), it does have some differences. Here's the Annual Record :
The college year of 1926-'27 opened at Carnegie Tech with the following Brothers enrolled: Lloyd R. Amans, Henry J. Bell, Bartlett F. Carley, Charles E. Craw, Elmer W. Easter, Clarence W. Ewing, W. Jeter Eason, J. Winslow Jackson, Jr., George E. Kallock, Jr., Paul D. King, Lawrence H. Smith, Victor A. Lang, Joseph M. Marshall, John A. McClarin. Hugh S. Munro, John J. Rietz, Richard S. Tener, George H. Crankshaw, Irvin L. Crawford, William McNeill.
The officers of the chapter for the first semester were: Charles E. Craw, S. M. C.; John A. McClarin, I. M. C.; Henry J, Bell, Th. C.; Bartlett F. Carley, S. C.; George E. Kallock, S. C.; Paul D. King, M. S.
Two dances were given at the House during the Fall social season. The feature dance being the annual Pitt-Tech on the evening of the Pitt-Tech game.
Beta-Sigma won the cup given for the annual intra-mural cross-country meet. Campbell and Crawford were members of the cross-country squad, both receiving their letters at the end of the season and Crawford being elected captain. Marshall was a tackle on the varsity football squad.
On October 17, 1926, the following men were initiated into the bonds: F. H. IIlig, R. C. Broscious, G. D. Campbell, G. V. Durr and R. B. Hewett.
Previous to Christmas vacation Carley and Illig were elected to Scabbard and Blade, honorary military fraternity. Bell was elected to Theta Tau, professionally engineering fraternity and Rietz to Scarab, professional architectural fraternity.
The winter social season was made up of "kid" party and breakfast dances after both the Arts Ball and the Inter-fraternity Formal.
Amans received his third letter in basket-ball. .Hewett was elected assistant basket-ball manager. Russell Broscious was elected Class Secretary of the Sophomores.
On February 13, 1927, the following men were initiated : J. C. Arrowsmith, H. E. James, W. Irving Smith. Arrowsmith is a faculty member, being a graduate of Case and a member of Tau Beta Pi. He is professor of military science and tactics.
The event which is looked forward to by all each year, Founders' Day Banquet, was held on the evening of February 26th. Brother Hawke, '26, was toastmaster of the banquet honoring the founders of our great fraternity.
Amans, Lloyd R.
Craw, Charles Edwin.
Ewing, Clarence William.
Lang, Victor Alexander.
Bell, Henry Johnson.
Carley, Bartlett Fenton.
Crankshaw, George Harold.
Crawford, Irvin Luther.
Easter, Elmer William.
Illig, Francis Harold.
Jackson, .John Winslow, Jr.
Kallock, George Eaton, Jr .
King, Paul Dickson.
Marshall, Joseph Melvin.
Munro, Hugh Stewart.
Reitz, John Jacob.
Smith, Lawrence Howard.
Tener, Richard Stephen.
Broscious, Russell Charles.
Campbell, George Donald.
Durr, Gordon Volney.
Hewett, Robert Brown.
James, Harold Earnest.
McNeill, William Masterson.
Smith, W. Irving, Jr.
Eason, Wilson Jeter.
The LIST OF MEMBERS which included all actives and alumni is not reproduced here. Items of interest from that list have been appended to each individuals entry as Alumni News.
Roll No. 79
Mr. J. W. King
Initiated: October 17, 1926
** Individual not referenced in Chapter Records. In PKA National database only.
Roll No. 80
Mr. Francis Harold Illig
Initiated: October 17, 1926
Roll No. 81 Mr. Russell Charles Broscious
Initiated: October 17, 1926
Positions/Offices: House Manager, IMC
Class Officer; Inter-Fraternity Basketball; Inter-Fraternity Council; Glee Club
Roll No. 82 Mr. George Donald Campbell
Initiated: October 17, 1926
Positions/Offices: SC
Honoraries: Druids, Theta Tau
Numerals - Cross-Country & Track, Letter in Cross-Country, Varsity "Miler", Captain Cross-Country, Chairman Sweepstakes 9th C.W., Chairman Rushing Committee 1928
Roll No. 83 Mr. Gordon Volney Durr
Initiated: October 17, 1926
Positions/Offices: ThC
Honoraries: Alpha Tau, Scabbard & Blade, Honor Roll of Industries College, Holder of 2 Founder's Scholarships
Varsity Swimming; President Alpha Tau; Graphia
Roll No. 84 Mr. Robert Brown Hewett
Initiated: October 17, 1926
Honoraries: Alpha Tau
Freshman Basketball Manager; Treasurer Inter-Fraternity-Dorm B.B. League
Roll No. 85Mr. Wilson J. Eason
Initiated: May 7, 1926 (Theta Chapter)
Honoraries: Scarab 1929
Sub-Chairman Arts Ball, Inter-Fraternity Council 1928-29, Scarab Convention Delegate 1929
Roll No. 86
Mr. John C. Arrowsmith
Initiated: February 13, 1927
Honoraries: Tau Beta Pi, Scabbord & Blade
>News c1927: B.S. '17, 1st Lt. U. S. Corps of Engineers; Associate Professor Military Science and Tactics; Pittsburgh, Pa.
Roll No. 87 Mr. Harold Earnest James
Initiated: February 13, 1927
Honoraries: Phi Mu Alpha, Scabbard & Blade
1935 Chapter Alumni Committee
Kiltie Band
Roll No. 88 Mr. William Irving Smith Jr.
Initiated: February 13, 1927
Honoraries: Pi Tau Pi Sigma (Charter Member), Scabbard & Blade
Inter-Fraternity Basketball 1926, 1927 & 1928, Inter-Fraternity Swimming 1927, 1st Assistant Tennis Manager 1928
Roll No. 89 Mr. Roswell Hill Johnson Jr.
Initiated: April 24, 1927
Roll No. 90 Mr. Clayton Herman Reichenbach
Initiated: April 24, 1927
Positions/Offices: MC, ThC
Roll No. 91 Mr. George Rixae Thomas
Initiated: April 24, 1927
Positions/Offices: MS, House manager
Roll No. 92 Mr. John Hays Wilkins Jr.
Initiated: April 24, 1927
Inter-Fraternity Basketball & Swimming 1927, 1928
Roll No. 93 Dr. Bror Zachrisson
Initiated: April 24, 1927
Honoraries: Alpha Tau