Mom Waechter
Chapter History Report
Filed by Richard L. Hack on May 13, 1963
On September 12, 1962 we began our work week with twenty-two brothers, a super-pledge and two pledges; everybody worked, and the house was put into excellent shape. During that week, we also aided the girls at the girl's dormitory with their luggage, thus obtaining many rush girls as well as spreading the name of Pi Kappa Alpha among the freshman.
This year showed promise for the chapter. Since membership was lower than it had been for many years, we realized that rush was very important to us; thus, we made rush a concentrated effort, and a strong sense of unity emerged from our common goal. After many preparations for rush, our successfulness in pledging twenty-five men raised our morale considerably. Fourteen of these pledges were initiated in early February, and three remained super-pledges. The brothers realized that the house was well on its way to a large membership.
Second semester rush brought us five pledges. Three of these pledges will be initiated at the end of May, the other two waiting until next year. All of our current pledges show an extreme enthusiasm for the fraternity.
Our new alumnus counselor, replacing Dean Larry Canjar, is Lou Pondy, and our faculty advisor remains Dr. Hugh Young. Both brothers and Dr. Young were extremely helpful in problems which have arisen, and in their encouragement to the fraternity.
During the festivities of Spring Carnival, we officially installed on the front of the house a cast aluminum plaque of the fraternity crest. Bill Walthour made the clay model for the plaque, and Terry Cox made the arrangements for its casting and installation. After the casting, Terry spent over a week polishing the crest by hand. It was dedicated to Je Helt, son of brother Herbert Helt, who was recently initiated at the National Convention, and has remained close to the house in spite of his busy career.
Also at Spring Carnival we won first place in one of the most important school events of the year, the buggy races, with a time of 2:31.75 minutes. Bob Moore, our buggy chairman, and Ed Escallon worked day and night to finish the buggy in time for the races. Ed Escallon drove, while Jim Jubinski, trainer, Bill Elsey, Bob Wolfe, Bruce Thaeler, and Bob Frascarelli pushed. We also placed first in plank jousting.
At the beginning of May, Tom Pyke was elected chairman of Student Congress after a vigorous campaign. Five of our brothers are also on Student Congress, four representing departments and on representing the fraternity.
Next year will be the last year of immediate rush. We look forward to a good rush and the return of twenty-nine brothers, four super-pledges, and one pledge.
During the first half of the fall semester the officers were:
The officers elected during the first semester were:
The officers elected during the second semester were:
This year, the chapter entered teams in football, soccer, basketball, rifle, swimming, and track. We came in as the first fraternity in soccer, second in the school, with Bruce Thaeler doing an excellent job as captain. We also did well in track, although we did not take a trophy.
We had many excellent parties and social activities this year due to the fine work of Walt Page and Elliot Milstein. Besides our traditional Bavarian Beer Party, we had many varied theme parties, including a Showboat Party.
The Fall Festival theme this year was "Greek Legend". Our display consisted of a mechanical Trojan Horse which opened up to reveal a spear-brandishing warrior, ready to face the enemy. The fire truck led the parade to the bonfire; it was also seen before that at some football games during rush.
Our last major party before the end of the semester was the Christmas Party, preceded by the annual Tree Trimming Party with Chi Omegas. According to the girls, we had the best Christmas Party on campus.
Beginning the second semester was the pledge part, with a "Prohibition" theme. Later in the year, we held our yearly Spaghetti and Wine Party, with the Italian brother cooking, in answer to a challenge posed by the Jewish brothers at the earlier Jewish Dinner.
In Greek Sing we tied for forth, singing The Slope of the Hill and Zekil Saw the Wheel. Tom Pyke directed the nineteen singers.
Our Dream Girl Formal, at the Highland Country Club, proved very enjoyable. Our Dream Girl was Maryanne Sweeny, and her court was composed of Marty McCallister and Barbara Potts.
The theme for Spring Carnival this year was "Phenomenal Phliques". Aside from winning our two first place trophies, our booth was successful in making forty dollars, which we donated to the American Cancer Society. This Wizard of Oz golf game, although it only came in fifth, was very popular among the visitors to the midway.
The final party of the year was a Calypso Party. It came on the weekend before the final week before finals.
Alan Walmer At The Wheel
Bothers in honoraries this past year:
Brothers elected to honoraries for next year:
Brothers in activities this past year:
Brothers elected to activities for next year:
At the end of the first semester, Beta Sigma ranked eleven out of twelve, with a 2.120 factor, putting us on the Council of Fraternity Presidents' scholastic probation. This means only four parties a month. We have eight scholarship holders.
Six of our brothers went to Gannon College to help install the new Pi Kappa Alpha chapter, Epsilon Upsilon.
A Christmas party was given by our chapter at a nearby orphanage. Art Lubetz was a jovial Santa Claus. We gave ice cream, cookies, and toys to the children.
Our first semester pledge class spent a day downtown giving its time to the Heart Fund.
Next year looks very promising for Pi Kappa Alpha. We have improved our financial status, and our social standing on campus is much improved. We have a strong sense of unity and a spirit for the fraternity. With a good rush next year, we hope to be able to carry out the ideals of φφκα in the coming years.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard L. Hack
May 13, 1963
Hill 1 - Bill Elsey
Hill 2 - James Jubinski
Hill 3 - Bob Frascarelli
Hill 4 - Bruce Thaeler
Hill 5 - Bob Wolfe
Driver - Eduardo Escallon
Elsey(1), Jabbo(2), Frascarelli(3), Kummel(4), Wolfe(5)
Escallon & Shark
Roll No. 638
Mr. George M. Perinis
Initiated: October 14, 1962
Little Brother: Stan Perper
Roll No. 639
Mr. Eduardo C. Escallon (Epsilon)
Initiated: December 17, 1962
Positions/Offices: Fire Chief, IMC
Buggy: Driver, Chairman
Fire Chief (prior: Bruce Thaeler, next: Ben Brown)
Roll No. 640
Mr. Henry Z. Shelton (Hal)
Initiated: December 17, 1962
Positions/Offices: SMC
Buggy: Driver
Roll No. 641
Mr. Leroy P. Gunner
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: IMC, SMC
Honoraries: Delta Skull
Student Congress
Big Brother: Doug Saunders
Little Brothers: Ray Morse, Tim MacMillan, Ken Jenkins
Roll No. 642
Mr. Joseph D. Bowman Jr. (Joe)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: Assistant ThC, ThC, IMC
Honoraries: Scimitars, Delta Skull
Student Court Justice
Big Brother: Andy Langlois
Roll No. 643
Mr. Robert B. Peterson (Bob)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: SC
Roll No. 644
Mr. David A. Allshouse (
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Roll No. 645
Mr. Charles Kaufmann (Charlie)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: Steward, Rush Chairman
Big Brother: Jack Elsey
Little Brothers: Bill Schlosberg, Charlie Cleveland
Roll No. 646
Mr. Richard L. Hack (Dick)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: Historian, House Manager
Student Congress
Big Brother: Joe Drake
Little Brother: Mike Vargo
Legacy (Brother): Harvey Hack
Roll No. 647
Mr. Elliott S. Milstein
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: Co-Social Chairman
Big Brother: Bruce Thaeler
Roll No. 648
Mr. Kenneth B. Adler (Ken)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Roll No. 649
Mr. Stanley J. Perper (Stan)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: Assistant ThC, ThC
Big Brother: George Perinis
Little Brother: David Simons
Roll No. 650
Mr. Kenneth J. Donnelly (Ken)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Big Brother: Dan Spindler
Little Brother: Hank Krokosky
Roll No. 651
Mr. Theodore Francis Skiba (Ted)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Roll No. 652
Mr. William E. Suhie (Bill)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Roll No. 653
Mr. Michael G. Emerson (Mike)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Varsity Athletics
Little Brother: Gary Ghertner
Legacy (Brother): Mark Emerson
Roll No. 654
Mr. Luis A. Zaera (Lou)
Initiated: February 16, 1963
Positions/Offices: Steward
Big Brother: Lou Pondy
Roll No. 655
Dr. Timothy G. Hiss (Tim)
Initiated: May 25, 1963
Positions/Offices: House Manager
Student Congress - Committee Head
Roll No. 656
Mr. James R. McChesney (Jim)
Initiated: May 25, 1963
Positions/Offices: Booth Chairman
Roll No. 657
Mr. Dennis Ogden Taylor
Initiated: May 25, 1963
Positions/Offices: SC, Greek Sing Chairman
Big Brother: Walt Page